Tuesday, August 25, 2015

mason's first day of kindergarten

it was almost comical how totally excited and completely casual mason has been about starting kindergarten. he has been double-checking his countdown for several weeks now but had no nervousness at all.

where madelyn wanted homemade muffins and fresh fruit, mason only wanted granola cereal for breakfast. it was nice for me, but felt a little lack luster for such a big day! he was happy so that was good enough for me.

traditional first day family picture
mason was so excited that he had his backpack and lunchbox when we took madelyn out to catch the bus - a full 40 minutes before we needed to leave to take him to school! so we took more pictures...

and it was finally time to head off to mason's school! this year we weren't the only ones taking pictures with the school sign and we had to wait.

all of the kindergarteners wear these necklaces to identify them; it communicates their name, class and bus number.
mason made a beeline for the door when the bell rang! seriously, i had to call him back to say good-bye and get a hug! he was already inside before we could even get to the lobby (as far as parents are permitted) so we never even went in the building. a little sad, but such a relief to see him so confident and excited about being there.

manning and maddux both asked a few times where mason was during the day and had to be reminded that he was at school. madelyn was super excited that her bus returns first. mason was greeted with a huge group hug when he got off the bus! this picture is a reenactment because i wasn't fast enough with my phone.

his first day was awesome! he loved kindergarten! he was even more excited to find that his "best friend" from a local vbs was also in his class. he told us that there wasn't anything that wasn't great today. you can't really ask for a better first day than that! love.

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