Wednesday, August 26, 2015

school time normal

we are all trying to get into our new 'normal' during the school year. everyone is still so excited about the buses that we spend some time playing outside waiting for the buses. and waiting equals pictures!

yesterday, i took the little boys back to school shopping. when i told manning what this shirt said, "ready, set, go," he had to have it (it helped a little that it was yellow). we sing a song at church that is called "ready, set, go" and it is manning's favorite song! he sings it all the time. funny enough, the monkey his is holding is from church too. 

mason's first morning bus ride.

i knew that the dynamic would be different with just the two littles at home, but they are a little lost without the bigs. i think that they aren't used to making decisions about what to do, so they want me to make the choices for them. i am going to have to change up my daily routine to still get everything done that needs to happen each day, but it's fun to be wanted all the time again.

a monkey on my back while i try to work at the computer.

maddux and i played games for about an hour while manning took a nap - he even beat me a few times!

next week the littles will be in school too. i am trying to keep that perspective. i can clean later. love.

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