Wednesday, August 19, 2015

madelyn's first day of 3rd grade

first day of school! first day of school! it is difficult to know who was more excited - me or madelyn. she was up and dressed by 6am! when we discussed what she wanted for breakfast on the first day, she had asked for muffins and three types of melon so i had a lot to do this morning. her exact quote is, "i need something filling, healthy and delicious."

she saw her friends last night at the open house and heard about what they were wearing and how they were fixing their hair for the first day, so madelyn wanted a similar hairstyle as was discussed. i tried to quickly give her a "fishbone" braid even though i haven't done one in decades! she was pleased with the outcome and very ready for school!

but we had to get a family picture on the first day! the boys were barely awake and matt and i were super casual, but we still kept up this tradition.

madelyn had asked to ride the bus on the first day. not because she didn't want us to drive her to school (in fact, this would have been her preference), but because it is too stressful for her to figure out the ride home if she didn't ride the bus in the morning. so we all escorted her to the bus stop.

manning wanted his picture with madelyn on his own and i wanted a group picture. the older boys helped me out like ninjas.

drinking daddy's smoothie while we waited.

we didn't get a picture with her backpack because we left it last night during the open house. she had a few more supplies and her lunch to bring this morning so she borrowed a different bag. 

northing like brotherly kicks first thing in the morning...

and she is off! we can't wait to hear all about it!

while madelyn was at school, mason had his kindergarten assessment. our helpful neighbor offered to watch the little boys for me (much to my relief) since siblings were not invited. during the assessment, the parents were welcomed to the school and provided with an informal parent meeting.  

once madelyn got home (to much celebration and big hugs), we went over to the pool for some afternoon swimming. the kids' reunion was so delightful. love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

A great first day! Nice job on the hair do :)