Monday, August 17, 2015

playdate with mrs. karen

we have the sweetest neighbor. she has been so kind to us in every way since we first started building our house. (she agreed to be our babysitter when i went into labor with manning after just meeting us!) for the past few years, mrs. karen and the kids have discussed having a lego playdate. mrs. karen's older girls love legos and have a large collection at mrs. karen's house. our kids have been dying to give them a closer look...

so before everyone heads back to school, mrs. karen had us over. she blew us away! not only were there a ton of legos (sorted by color), but she had a lego cookie snack all ready for the kids. she let each child dye their own serving of frosting which ever color they liked and then top it off with some m&ms. look at those grins!

madelyn did a triple layer of frosting on her cookie by covering up the m&ms, putting more frosting, more m&ms and repeating.
mrs. karen and madelyn

then the kids asked to go check out the other toys mrs. karen has down in her basement. they really liked the rock 'em, sock 'em robots.

we have been so spoiled with great neighbors in all of our homes over the years and mrs. karen is no exception. now the kids are asking when their next playdate with mrs. karen will be... love.

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