Monday, May 21, 2012

37 weeks

so now we wait. i spoke with my doctor at length today and there isn't really any reason to have the baby early since i successfully delivered an 11lb baby. if i had not, she would be more concerned and they would be talking about scheduling a c-section, but given my history she would want to let me labor and see how things go. she doesn't even think it is necessary to have a late ultrasound because they are so inaccurate and i am not showing any risk factors.

apparently, i am measuring 2 weeks ahead. but i have actually lost 2lbs since my last appointment putting my total weight gain at 9lbs! (believe me, i look like i have put on much more than that.) i think that moving has so dramatically changed my daily activity level that i have been losing while gaining - if that makes any sense. i also indulge almost no cravings because of the little eyes watching all the time.

i hate the waiting part. not really the waiting but the unknowing. i am working harder to keep everything clean and ready to go so that i will have less stress leaving for the hospital - and coming home.

we are all set for baby though. i have washed everything that was in storage, bought size 1 diapers (we have rarely used newborn size for the others and can always run out for some if we needed them) and gotten the crib all set up in madelyn's room.

the worst part about the appointment was that it was my first physical exam and i had to bring all three kids by myself. not ideal but it worked out. i was able to sit them all on the floor with some coloring books and crayons where they couldn't see anything. the doctor was surprised how well behaved they were (she has triplets - i think they are three or four) and several other staff people commented how good everyone was during our visit. i did make sure that matt could make it to the next appointment though... love.



Grandma Z. said...

I can't believe how close we are to seeing our 9th grandchild. You look terrific and having 3 energetic little ones has nothing to do with your weight loss!!Ha

Witenkling Mommy said...

Wow- so close! I'm very impressed the MLG 3 sat on the floor and colored during your appointment.