Monday, May 7, 2012

more reasons to love mason

just like maddux' new obsession with daddy, i often forget to post about just how sweet mason is - almost constantly.  the kid almost never complains, about anything (i would say a definitive "never" but even i can't believe that is true...).  he is the most agreeable boy.

for example, he will ask what we are having to eat.  no matter what the answer is from me, mason will respond, "that is my favorite!".  and when we sit down to eat he will tell us again that it is his 'favorite' - even if he obviously doesn't like it after taking a bite.  just so sweet.

we can ask him to help with almost anything (or do almost anything) and 9 times out of 10 (he is human after all - and two) he replies with "okay, mommy."

"sweet" is just the perfect word for his disposition.  we joke that he might need to toughen up a little because maddux 'bullies' him to tears a little too often.  mason is like a gentle giant and some day he is going to reach his 'enough' point and wallop maddux.  mason is solid and built like a truck so it is really for the best that he is so kind and gentle.

here is mason singing his favorite song of the moment - twinkle, twinkle little star - sorry it is so dark.
he doesn't always skip lyrics but i think he was getting a little tired of singing it for me.  he is just too cute.  love.


Grandma Z. said...

He is a very sweet boy. Love his singing! I did get to witness how excited he gets about eating.

Witenkling Mommy said...

Too too too sweet. I LOVE that he says every food is his favorite, even if he's not a fan. Can I borrow him for a week to let that rub off on my kids?