Thursday, May 3, 2012

cheese face

maddux likes to show all of his teeth when he smiles.  it has been difficult to get a picture of because it is something he only did for 'real' smiles - not camera requests.  but recently, he has started to do it with a "cheeeeeeeese" for the camera.

both of these pictures are from today.  it was a very hot day (for here, for now) and was at least 90.  of course, madelyn had to wear a ski cap to school and for some unknown reason maddux picked one out after snack and put it on to run laps around the couch.  such a cute and silly boy.
(i think that he had a growth spurt this week because his face has taken a beating while he tries to figure out how to balance his new height.  his poor nose has opened up to bleed about three times and his lip has bloodied twice.  it hasn't helped that he has discovered jumping either.  he has been climbing up and jumping off of his bed, chairs, toys, etc.)

we love this kid. love.


Witenkling Mommy said...


Anonymous said...

Such pretty teeth too! Hopefully he won't knock them out - ha! The nose looks pretty bad! Cute pics. Nana

Grandma Z. said...

You just want to squeeze him!