Sunday, May 13, 2012

happy mother's day to me

when matt and the kids asked what i wanted for mother's day, i told them that i wanted a nap. seriously. just a nap. sleep is the one thing seriously lacking in my life.

while i didn't take a nap (my choice), i did have a lovely day of rest.

both boys ended up in our room last night. mason comes in quietly and lays down with a pillow and blanket next to matt's side of the bed. we don't always even notice that he came in. maddux came in and climbed right up in between us and went to sleep. it was unusual for both boys to come in without any one crying. i ended up sleeping at the foot of the bed because maddux was jabbing me with an elbow and i couldn't get him to move over so it was just easier to move. i woke up first at 8am. normally this would be great but we need to leave for church at 8:30am!

amazingly, we made it to church on time. madelyn brought home a cute mother's day gift with her picture on it. and maddux went in without crying for the first time in months.

after church matt made us all breakfast (a special treat for me!). i took the kids downstairs while matt cleaned up since mason invited me specifically to come down and play with him. madelyn couldn't wait to give me my presents so she brought them down as soon as matt was finished. mason had made me a cute flower pot with his 'bloom' stats at school (madelyn had given me her gift on tuesday). i will do a separate post later with pictures of my gifts.

then i was free to rest for the day. i was planning on taking a nap but watched gone with the wind and blogged instead. matt had gotten me a wireless keyboard for our ipad and an itunes gift card so that i could get a blogging app so of course i had to try it out. he also gave me the most beautiful card that i cried. feeling so loved!

i had joked that i would just be doing laundry and working, but then i thought about it and being able to do the laundry without kids around was very appealing. so i folded quite a bit of laundry while i watched the movie too.

matt took care of dinner too (he picked up chipolte - lucky for him that baby wanted his favorite) and i got to take a long bath. it is such a luxury to be able to have some down time before 8pm! it was a really great way to spend mother's day. i am so blessed to have a family that loves me. love.



Grandma Z. said...

Sounds like a wonderful day and what a beautiful picture.

Grandma Z. said...

I really do love this picture!!!