Tuesday, May 8, 2012

x weeks

i had matt take a picture but it was so terrible that i won't post it. today i had what i thought was my 35 week check up but learned that the practice considered it my 34 week check up.

i ranted about this change enough on facebook, but the jest of it is that i was surprised that no one had bothered to tell me that my due date had been changed off of the ultrasound. my doctor said that they wouldn't move my date over it but here i found out that it was. it doesn't really matter because the baby will come when it comes. the only reason i care is because they are planning a 38 week ultrasound and may induce me at 39 weeks if the baby looks too large (although the doctor said that an ultrasound that late is less than 30% accurate; which i can attest to since a 40 week ultrasound put madelyn at 10 lbs and she was 8lb 13oz). i am less concerned about the delivery and more about the testing the baby needs after being so large. poor maddux had his foot 'bled' at least four different times and was almost readmitted about a week after we went home.

but watch, this baby will be the smallest.  i have only gained 11 lbs. so far.  i think a lot of that has to do with the lifestyle change from apartment living to being back in a house.

i am meeting with my doctor in two weeks and will discuss with her further. i met with someone else this appointment - this practice has you rotate through all the doctors as an ob patient so that you will be familiar with whomever is on call when you deliver. i was fine with it in general, but now i want to only see my doctor for these last few appointments.

i have been having pretty strong braxton-hicks contractions for a few weeks now. sometimes they have been regular, every five minutes or so, but they don't get stronger than they start so i haven't thought about them too much. when i mentioned them during the appointment they said that i should call if i have four contractions an hour after laying down to rest. i haven't bothered because i have had contractions like this with all of my pregnancies and i knew every time when it was the real thing. i am not too worried - yet.

just a few more weeks until we bring home baby boy! it is still a little crazy to think that we are going to have four kids so soon. love.

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