Sunday, September 30, 2012

laughing baby

manning has started laughing at us.  and we like it!  if i tickle him or say "ha-ha", he will laugh.  he will also laugh at the kids if they don't move too fast and he can see them.  he is generally a pretty happy kid since getting to the three month mark.  it is such a nice change from the almost constant crying/screaming. (really, it wasn't that bad.  he wasn't colicy.  i don't know how people do it with a baby who truly cries all of the time!) love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

Colicky babies don't all cry all the time. Kinley had colic and was fine until about 4pm each day. Then cried for hours until finAlly down for he night. Then it turned off like a switch. Mr manning may have had colic - no matter what it was I'm happy for you all that it has passed. He really does look happy and content

Witenkling Mommy said...

Meant it turned off like switch at 3 months

Anonymous said...

So glad he is happy - fun to listen to his giggles. :)

Grandma Z. said...

He is tooo cute! He is such a sweet and healthy boy!