Friday, September 14, 2012


manning is getting to be quite the rolly-polly little guy! today he rolled from belly to back (he has done it a few times before a few weeks ago but it was more 'falling' over than rolling over). he rolls to his sides a lot now and seems to enjoy being able to move. i think he is going to be more like madelyn and maddux in the busy department - always on the go!

actually, he is happier in general. i think that he just enjoys being home more or he may have just outgrown the fussiness. either way, we are all a lot happier! love


Grandma Z. said...

He's getting so big. I'm so glad he is outgrowing his fusiness. He is adorable!

Witenkling Mommy said...

I bet all the traveling and visitors, while great for everyone else, was a lot for his wee little self. Glad you're able to get in some down time now that school has started.