Saturday, September 1, 2012

soccer practice

this week madelyn decided that she didn't like soccer.  after a few questions she burst into tears and said that she wanted to stay home and "snuggle with my mama" instead.  i guess the time away from home during school is starting to take its toll.  we reminded her that she made a commitment to her team for the season and that she didn't have to play next season if she didn't want to, but she needed to see this season all the way through.

she still wasn't super excited when we left for the field this morning, but got herself ready to go.

i decided manning could show his support by wearing his soccer socks.

mason all ready to cheer for madelyn!

while madelyn was at school, the boys and i went to get her some pink shoelaces since her cleats this season don't have any pink on them.  she was pretty pleased when she opened her back to get her gear on.
i don't know what it is but this is the second season where madelyn's actual coach hasn't been able to make it to the first few weeks of practice/games. the coach's wife has been running practice and today she had some 'older' kids come over to help madelyn's team with their skills.

madelyn wasn't as peppy as she was last week.  maybe it was the oppressive humidity (florida style thick), maybe it was her desire to be at home, whatever it was, it made her s-l-o-w.  here she is dragging up the rear in a dribbling drill.
when we were leaving the field she said that she had fun, so maybe next week will be back to normal.  love.


Grandma Z. said...

Great job Maddie! I love all the laughter in the background.

Witenkling Mommy said...

Way to go mom and dad having her stick it out because the commitment has been made. I think that's a great example to set. Like you said, with time, she'll probably like it more.