Wednesday, September 12, 2012


well, not "me", but matt.  every time someone sees matt and maddux together they mention "mini-me".  and it isn't just how they look.  maddux has a lot of matt's personality traits.  matt can't sit still either (although his mother did tell me that he didn't get like that until adulthood) and i remind him of this every time he mentions how busy maddux is all the time.  and then today maddux took his apple and went to sit on the back deck by himself to eat it while watching the pond/walkers/trees.  this is a very matt behavior.  hopefully, maddux will grow up to be like daddy too.  love.


Grandma Z. said...

I can't think of a better example for him to follow. Maddux will always be a great guy!

Witenkling Mommy said...

Totally a mini-Matt (in looks, I don't know his personality as well).