Wednesday, September 5, 2012

manning gets chatty

manning is doing stuff too.  he is getting to be quite the chatter box (when he is full anyway), getting pretty good at getting his thumb when he is in the crib and tummy time.  he doesn't really mind tummy time, i just forget to let him do it when we are home and not on the go (the floor can be a dangerous place around here).

i noticed that he was just talking away while i was working on the computer so here is a little for your listening pleasure. love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

He is so cute. I think he looks the most of a blend (at this age). He just keeps on growing, too. I feel like he's growing faster than the other three.

Grandma Z. said...

He is such a cutie! Wish I could squeeze him!

Our family said...

All your stories about yelling babies does not make me long for a 4th, this video however does! I even showed it to Victor! :)

mom2mlg said...

it might just seem faster because you see him less. glad to see that i have not totally turned you off a fourth! ;)