Saturday, September 22, 2012

neighborhood party

some of our neighbors "won" a backyard barbecue at a charity auction.  (her husband did make fun of her for saying "won" at an auction.)  and they invited the whole neighborhood over!  it was quite an event with tents, catered meal and a live band.  it has been rainy (and cold) as the sun went down but by the time we headed over (around 6:30pm) it was clearing up.

here is manning gearing up for the party.  he fell asleep when i set him down to put my moby wrap on. i guess his fleece outfit was a little too snugly.
when i told madelyn where we were going (about 30 minutes before we left in case we did get rained out), she was so excited and wanted to make the two kids that live there thank you pictures for having us over.  the boy is in second grade and the girl is in kindergarten at madelyn's school.  they also ride her bus, but they have never formally met. madelyn and sophia were instant friends and spent the whole party together.  i am sure they will be seeing a lot more of each other in the future! 
we all had a great time and it was nice to get to know some of our neighbors better.  i know most of the ladies fairly well from book club, but we didn't know any of the husbands and were working on figuring out whose kids were whose. it rained a little more and it was pretty chilly but the food and band were great!  i was actually surprised at how early in the evening the dance floor filled up!  we have some very fun neighbors!  love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

What an awesome neighborhood event!

Grandma Z. said...

It's always good to know your neighbors! What a fun way to do it.