Friday, November 30, 2012


all four kids have had a turn with this dry cough thing.  it keeps them up at night, but other than that doesn't really seem like an 'illness'. manning is the only one where it started to sound a bit 'juicy' so i had planned to take him in on monday if it didn't clear up over the weekend - but then he got pink eye and they told us his lungs were clear and it was nothing to worry about.

anyway, i took maddux in last friday because, again, i didn't want to get into the weekend and have it turn into something.  he had been coughing for a good week and wasn't sleeping much.  he, too, was perfectly fine.  the reason i note all of this is that he was 33 pounds and 3 feet, 3 inches when they checked him in.  the nurse thought that was fairly noteworthy so there you go.  love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

The girls have been hanging on to that cough, too.