Tuesday, November 6, 2012


we live in ohio.  and were very glad for this day to finally come!  what do i have with living in battleground states?!  first florida, then wisconsin, then ohio...geez.  madelyn and mason had both brought home notes saying that they would be voting today in school too. 

i met some friends at starbucks after dropping off madelyn and mason (to discuss our online bible study we have been doing).  they had both already voted with decent lines (but nothing like what my friends were posting in florida).  it was going to work out fairly well for us because maddux had his doctor appointment in the afternoon and matt was going to join us (to meet the new pediatrician) and then stay home for the rest of the day.  the idea was for him to vote and then meet me at home to watch the boys while i went before the pto meeting. 

since the location was on the way home from the doctor's office, i drove by to see how crowded it was.  the parking lot was fairly empty so i decided that we would all vote together.  the boys were the hit of the place!  the workers couldn't seem to give them enough voting stickers or comment on their cuteness enough.  matt and i had underestimated how much reading there would be on the ballot and had a little bit of difficulty watching the boys.  i wasn't sure if he and i were allowed to speak to each other while we were actually voting (isn't that against the law?) so that didn't help things.  it probably took all of ten minutes all together. as we were leaving mason asked, "are we going to go voting now?".  that was it, buddy.

the boys and i had discussed what daddy and i were voting for on the car ride.  i basically said that we were voting to pick who we wanted to be in charge and make the rules.  they both thought that sounded pretty good and want to be president when they grow up.

mason had voted for his favorite season at school that morning.  he voted for fall, but winter won by a narrow margin.  madelyn wasn't able to vote with us, but she did vote at school.  i knew that they were voting for their snack (pretzels vs. goldfish) and goldfish won, but we found out later that they had voted for obama or romney too.  the result was a tie.  i asked madelyn who she had voted for - mitt romney.  i asked her why and she said "because his name starts with an "m"".  well that is one way to decide...

i hope that you all exercised your right to vote too!  love.

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