Thursday, August 22, 2013

waiting for the bus

we got some new neighbors over the summer with a second grader so instead of the bus stop being our actual house, it is now the corner which happens to at the end of our driveway.  this works out just fine for us because we just played in the driveway while waiting for the bus and enjoyed the beautiful morning.  (i asked madelyn if she wanted to ride the bus because i had a friend coming over to walk the trail with us.  she was actually excited about riding the bus in the morning too.)

manning is just learning to walk with shoes on and he was pretty excited to be walking around outside where all the action was.  he was calling out to everyone walking and driving by and waving his little heart out.
just another angle of manning that i don't often photograph.
madelyn and mason digging for rolly-pollies.
manning was going to town poking at the mulch with a very thin stick he found - it's the blur in this picture.
after madelyn was on the bus, we chatted with some other neighbors and then i took manning for a stroll down our sidewalk.  (we don't have neighbors on either side so the kids don't have to worry about going 'too far'.  the sidewalk just ends.)  and i haven't really taken video of him walking so here you go.  you can also hear how chatty he is.  love.

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

So cute! I love his excitement Mason had to get in on the filming.