Friday, August 2, 2013

mommy wrinkles

so a few mornings ago i noticed these lines on my left forearm. i thought they were just lines from having my arm under my pillow but then they didn't go away all day.  i thought - man, am i dehydrated!  i showed them to matt during our drive and he said that they were just wrinkles.  yes, matt, i know i am getting old but these were in a specific pattern in an abnormal location.

but after carrying manning for at least 20 minutes i am pretty sure i have figured it out.  i have permanent marks from carrying our children around!!  seriously!  the first picture is how they normally look and then i took the second one without the flash so you could see the fresh depth shortly after i had put manning down from carrying him. 

what?!  does anyone else have these or is this just yet one more thing that makes me 'special'?  i thought that it was crazy enough to share.  this late walker of ours needs to get to walking because mommy's arm is, literally, feeling the pressure!  love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Pretty crazy. I bet they will go away when you no longer have to lift anyone on a regular basis.