Wednesday, January 16, 2013

it strikes again

the 'blog-effect'. manning got up at 1:30am and again at 5:30am. i knew that i should not have mentioned their sleeping. oh well.

in his defense, he has three teeth cutting, i wasn't home to nurse him when he went to bed and i think he picked something up from our adventures in cart riding the other day (seriously, he woke up with a runny nose the very next day).

at least everyone else slept. the primary goal for a good night is maddux staying in his room until 7am - that is holding steady. love.


Anonymous said...

Of course with all the flu going around - which is all you hear about on the news - they were talking about picking up germs in all those places - especially grocery carts, etc. Also saw a piece on these farm kids who do all these animal chores and how healthy the kids are. Things we already know but they keep telling us daily. Hope Manning's runny nose stays just a little runny nose :) Nana

mom2mlg said...

it is just teething nose. The timing just worked out to make me think it was the cart. the news is always making things worse than they really are. having a dog lessens our chance of the flu so i knew about the animal stuff. stay healthy out there!

Witenkling Mommy said...

What a great mops speaker idea. Great application by you :). Having a dog reduces your chance of flu? Tell me more.

mom2mlg said...

well, not the flu specifically, but overall health and immunity. here is a link to the cdc: