Wednesday, January 23, 2013

the baby carrier

maddux loves to help care for the babies while madelyn is at school. today he came up with a new way to carry a baby with him. they must go to the same hairstylist...

maddux is a very caring kid and is growing in obedience daily. we love him so. love.



Witenkling Mommy said...

I was thinking the same thing about the hair! So do you have any tips for obedience? We could use some down this way.

mom2mlg said...

my only tip for obedience is consistency. we use removal. if he doesn't want to follow the rules, he is put in his room until he is calm and ready to obey the rules (it is up to him on how much time he needs). sometimes this would happen over and over and over several times in a row before he would agree to the rules. maybe i have two tips because we try to always give choices where both options arrive at the same desired outcome - do you want to get in your carseat or do you want mommy to help you? either way he gets in the carseat. we have learned (and are still learning) that every kid is different and have to be 'loved uniquely' but these general strategies have ended up working with the first three - at least so far.