Thursday, January 3, 2013

yogurt monsters

we do super baby food for the first year with the kids around here and yogurt is a large part of the daily diet.  all four kids have really loved yogurt and continue to eat it on a fairly regular, if not daily, basis.  but maddux has taken it to a whole new level.

maddux wants to eat yogurt at all three meals, at both snacks and in between!  we have to keep it on a shelf in the refrigerator that he can't reach with his stool.  he just opens the doors and searches out the yogurt and asks for it - repeatedly until we say yes or walk away and even then he just follows us crying for "yogurt".  and he doesn't discriminate either; he will eat any kind, any flavor, any style.  he will eat the plain greek yogurt and ask for another.

manning's favorite food so far is most definitely yogurt.  he gets very excited when you get it out and he cries when it is all gone and we switch him to another food (not that it stops him from eating more, he just would rather it be yogurt).

apparently, maddux' love affair with yogurt has reminded the other kids how much they like yogurt too.  i am going to the grocery store a few times a week now, primarily for more yogurt!  poor matt has slim pickings in the morning for his breakfast (i have started hiding some in the back on a top shelf for him, but sometimes they can see it through the glass shelf when i tell them that i don't think there is any more).

today i picked up a 32oz carton of banilla (banana vanilla) as a way of 'buying in bulk' and the three kids had some yogurt for afternoon snack (i try to limit them to one serving of yogurt a day - maddux i try to keep down to only two).  there is only about a fifth of the container left!  and i cut them off, all three bigs were still begging for more.

so now i am considering a yogurt making machine.  my friend, ann, has made the case for how easy it is to make, how much better it tastes and that it is more affordable.  the machines aren't terribly expensive so even if maddux is the only one who eats it, we should get our money's worth before the year is out.  that is, of course, assuming that maddux doesn't wear it out first.  love.


Our family said...

Most definitely buy one! It's one of my best purchases ever. You can buy an extra rack for it so you can make 14 jars instead of 7 at a time, as with only 7 jars I have to make it 2x a week.

mom2mlg said...

good to know! I was wondering if 7 would be enough.

Witenkling Mommy said...

I didn't know they made such things. My kids used to love yogurt, but now only Knox does.

Anonymous said...

I e-mailed my friend at school b/c she always made her own -- just asked her if she had any thoughts about it. I'll let you know if I hear from her. Sounds like a good idea if it is cheaper and convenient. I know she always liked hers better than store bought. I LOVE the Noosa but it is expensive and has lots of calories so I have to be careful with it.
Love, Nana