Tuesday, January 15, 2013

tuesday tip - go to the bathroom first

on our way to pick up mason one day last week, maddux had to go to the bathroom.  i have a "three request" policy about stopping the car, they have to ask three times before i am willing to stop (this has been a tried and tested method for all three bigs).  and this was the inspiration for today's tip...

go to the bathroom firstwhen we go to a restaurant - especially if i am alone with the kids - we go to the bathroom first.  and everyone has to try.  they don't have to go, but they all have to try.  and i ask again before we leave somewhere we have been for more than 30 minutes (like shopping) and the car ride is more than 10 minutes.

save yourself an emergency stop at the next waffle house.

do you have an early potty training rule for 'trying'?  love.


Grandma Z. said...

That's a great tip, even for me! HAHA

Candice and Davidson said...

That's our rule too. They don't have to go but they have to try. (including me) :) asking 3 times is a great idea!

mom2mlg said...

That seems to be the threshold for not really being able to hold it instead of stopping earlier and not always going.