Wednesday, January 9, 2013

lunch dates

the boys and i had been out running lots of errands and they had been simply delightful. well except for when maddux was fighting mason to hold my hand in the parking lot and knocked them both down in the crosswalk to target, wouldn't get up off the wet asphalt and i had to carry him the rest of the way out of the road in what looked like a choke hold. the best part? our new neighbor and her daughter got to witness the whole thing. but other than that, they were wonderful! so i took them to chick-fil-a for lunch.
i had a feeling that we would be out past lunch time, so i had packed up some yogurt and fruit/veggies for manning. because eating with three boys, three and under isn't enough, i thought that i would try maddux in a restaurant high chair for the first time. he loved sitting at the table with us! he was a little too excited about everything going on around him to eat all of his lunch, but he never got fussy from sitting up so long.
after the picture of the boys above, i asked maddux to open his eyes - this is what i got...

and it suits them very well. maddux usually challenging, mason generally eager to please. and that is why i love them both!

it was a really nice, sunny day out so when we got home we quickly unloaded the car, took turns in the bathroom and went out for a walk around the neighborhood. mason rode his bike and the other two boys rode in the stroller. it was much windier they i had realized, but it didn't bother them at all. manning was squealing with delight most of the time and mason was just happy to be back on his bike. we only took one lap around because it was so close to manning's nap time but it was great. being out like that makes me really excited for the spring. i look forward to spending a lot of time outside in the sunshine.

days like today remind me how blessed i am to be at home with our kids. love.



Witenkling Mommy said...

Great day, great pictures. I love how all kids are so different. Kinley's usually our tough cookie (like Maddux)- its frustrating when we're in it, but afterwards, just one more thing that makes her her and the Kinley we love.

mom2mlg said...

i totally agree. he can make me crazy, but i think that it is a quality that will serve him well in life.