Tuesday, January 29, 2013

tuesday tip - shopping with kids (part 1 of 4)

since most of the time i am running errands with the kids - groceries, birthday presents, post office, etc. - i thought i would do a short series on tips for a happy shopping experience.

shopping with kids - planning

planning, planning, planning. even if you are not a planner, you have to plan. i write out the list of stores we are going to and what we need to buy at each on a single sheet of paper. for the grocery store, i put my coupons in the order of the items as we work our way around the store. momentum is key when shopping with the littles. if you have to stop and think once in the store, you are a goner and much more likely to end up with a meltdown (yours or theirs). i find that the momentum also makes it harder for them to touch everything because there is less time to look around.

next week i will share "at the store" tip(s). and the other two are going to be "shopping with more than one" and "loading up". send me any questions you have about shopping with littles and i will try to get them answered.

what is your best 'pre-game' tip for shopping errands?



Natalie Schaefer said...

Hey Michelle! Glad to catch up with you on your blog. Craig and I use an iPhone app called "Our Groceries". It lets you create multiple lists that you can both add to or cross off purchased items. That's been super helpful for me as Craig will add items he wants that maybe wouldn't have been a part of my weekly list. XOX from Waukesha!

Candice and Davidson said...

Exactly what I do. The challenge comes when I take anyone else along with us and they want to browse. There is no browsing with multiple little ones. I usually prioritize what I absolutely need so if I need to make a speedy escape I have the essentials. I always have a list and browse ads while planning menus, so I can grab and go.

Candice and Davidson said...

Exactly what I do. The challenge comes when I take anyone else along with us and they want to browse. There is no browsing with multiple little ones. I usually prioritize what I absolutely need so if I need to make a speedy escape I have the essentials. I always have a list and browse ads while planning menus, so I can grab and go.