Thursday, July 4, 2013

4th of july

part of going to see big pop and grandma is seeing my brothers and their families; there are 10 cousins where madelyn is the oldest.  it was nice that uncle brad and aunt abby could make it because they moved to gainesville on july 1st and then turned around and came back to see us!  here are just pictures with captions of our day.
maddux and big pop
wyatt (the youngest cousin and his dad, uncle brad) 
briana and annabell with the totes i made them with their birthday presents inside (two more june birthdays - 18 and 29 respectively)
it was all a little more than maddux could handle.  
i found a pack of these eye-ball rings that had 10 rings with three pink ones, it just seemed to perfect for the cousins.  madelyn came up with wearing hers on her nose like glasses.
annabell likes to be the 'baby' in grandma's wooden crib.
it got quiet when some of the big boys found their way to the 'craft table'. 
wyatt and manning enjoyed the train table.
this is one of the moments that will probably live on for years as a story about manning.  he stood in the pack-and-play while everyone was swimming and got a bag of chips.  he put his toy inside and helped himself to the chips!
and then wyatt joined him
uh-oh... :)
the girls hit up grandma's extensive collection of dress-up clothes.
i was able to get a little nap in there too when manning went down.  as i went through all the pictures i realized that abby and i are hardly in any since we were always caring for the youngest ones.  we have to take a picture together next time, abby!  love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Isn't that how it always is - mom not in pics. Also because you TAKE most of the pictures. Great your moms is so kid-friendly