Saturday, July 27, 2013

a legos kind of week

mason received several superhero legos sets for his birthday and this week he and madelyn decided to build them all.  mason got too exciting about playing with the first finished set and the superhero figurines so madelyn was left to build the rest mostly on her own - not that she minded.  i was so having flashbacks to my childhood of building my brothers' legos sets; right down to having to set it up exactly as it appears on the box.

i spent a few hours yesterday acting as her 'assistant' and finding all of the pieces she needed when she needed them.  i've got to say i was enjoying it as much as she was - i do love legos!

here is some video of the kids explaining the spiderman set they finished this morning:

the only downside to the kids really being into the legos this week is that the weather has been gorgeous!  i really hated being inside and kept making them go outside to play a little.

1 comment:

Becky said...

They really are fun, aren't they! :)