Thursday, July 18, 2013

i will never volunteer matt again

a little over a month ago i was at a get together with my bible study and one of the ladies was sharing about she was struggling to find someone who could build a simple stage in their bonus room as a birthday present for her two daughters.

since matt has all of the tools and has been saying that he wants to build something, i told her that i would ask him.  he thought it sounded like something he could do so we stopped by one saturday morning to take a look and so he could speak with her directly about what she had in mind.  looked about as simple as he thought so he said that we could help them out.

the thought was that matt could do this as a fun weekend project, but when our schedules wouldn't match up it ended up getting scheduled for last night.  they would be out and matt would have the house to himself (they were trying to keep it as a surprise for the girls).

but then matt got called for jury duty yesterday.  he was hoping to get out of work a little early to get started and missing the morning sort of undid that idea...  so i helped by getting all four carseats and the middle row out of the van so that he could use it to pick up all the lumber as soon as he could get home.

so he got home did a quick change, grabbed a pb&j i made him and took off to get lumber.  then he spent all evening building a stage.  he said that he vastly underestimated how difficult it was to carry two large sheets of mdf up the stairs by himself!  i felt so bad that he was so hurried to get this done.

when he went to leave at 10:30 (after they had gotten home), he found that he had a flat tire.  ugh.  he was exhausted and now he had to change a van tire in the dark.  my friend and i both felt just awful.  they helped him and he did manage to get it changed to the spare.

miraculously, he was still speaking to me when he got home.

today i got over to bjs to see about getting the tire changed.  (because we had just bought these tires like two days before we went on vacation!)  to get to bjs i had to vacuum out the van to try and remove all of the saw dust before reinstalling the middle row and all four carseats.  oh, and did i mention that his mom was arriving today and i was trying to get everything done for her visit - you know, like buying groceries?  the good news was that the cost to fix the tire was under $10, the bad news was that they couldn't patch it and would have to order a new one.  at least the new one should be in tomorrow.  here is what was in the tire!

he said that it wasn't the largest item he had found in a tire, but that it was pretty good.

at least my friend is very happy with the stage matt built.  he still has to go back and finish a few small things, but the bulk is now done.
i will not volunteer him again.  love.