Wednesday, July 17, 2013

the end of an era

i am no longer a food source!  for the first time in over five continuous years (and that does not include madelyn because there was a few months between weaning her and getting pregnant with mason), i am not pregnant and/or nursing!!

i have planned to wean all the kids by one year, but at his first birthday manning was still nursing three times a day.  not a huge deal and i wasn't actually in a hurry (what is one or two more months at this point?).  but the afternoon one disappeared and he wasn't super interested in his morning feed while we were gone so that one went away.  it helped that he had to wake up without me when we were at the beach.  and then this week i had mops planning meetings from 6-10/11 monday and tuesday night so he went to bed without nursing.  since he didn't fuss about it in the slightest, i decided last night that i was done.  i can't wait to buy real bras again!!  (guys, you just won't understand.)

and the timing was perfect because i had a super migraine this afternoon and i could actually take migraine medicine instead of plain tylenol.  it was nice to have something help quickly without having to take a nap (i did have to lay down and close my eyes until it kicked in).

anyway, this is a really big day for me so i had to document it.  love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

Wow. I assumed you were already done. I think you're smart to stop after his fussing-less breaks from you. I'm technically weaning right now, too. Looking forward to getting my breasts back. Very uncomfortable right now

Candice and Davidson said...

This is a huge day. Amelia is still going strong, and I have to be careful what I wear or she'll just pull my shirt down!! We're down to 2 a day, so we'll see when she decides to be done. I'm going on 3 1/2 years straight of being pregnant/nursing. There was no break between nursing the boys and getting pregnant with Amelia, so I feel your excitement about new bras!