Tuesday, July 9, 2013

rain out

after lunch i thought that we should do something else.  we were trying to decide between a splash park and a children't museum.  we thought that the weather was going to work for the splash park so we headed off, but we were wrong.  the super dark clouds started rolling in almost as soon as we got there. and there were a ton of kids there!  way over the capacity.  we stayed until the thunder and lightning started - maybe 20 minutes.  oh well, the kids enjoyed the few minutes we were there.

unfortunately, it was too late in the day to have enough time to change and head to the museum instead so we just hung out at the house until the storm cleared and then we all went swimming.  i missed out on some of the swimming because i made a vegan dinner for everyone.  i wanted to show them that we aren't suffering at all with our diet choices but mainly i wanted to give my mom a break!  she had fed a lot of people this week!  i made vegetable lasagna rolls. i think they liked it.  we hadn't been able to find miso at two different grocery stores so it tasted a little different but i think it still turned out well.  my dad was a sport.  he said that he knew it wouldn't have meat, but no cheese either?!  he even had seconds.  love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Yes, those sprinklers often fill up with summer camps.