Monday, July 29, 2013

first stinker-ness

so manning is now a "stinker".  today at the library he was pulling the board books off the shelf while i was helping maddux cut out the craft.  so went and put him back over by the train table.  and then it became a 'game'.  he would look at me and grin before making a bee-line back to the book rack while cracking up hysterically and looking over his shoulder to see if i was watching and chasing him.  it was actually adorable, but i was trying not to laugh or smile because this was not something i want to be a regular game.  even other moms were trying not to laugh because they could see what was happening but his laugh and smile were so cute you couldn't help it.  he wasn't even pulling the books down any more, it was just about me coming to get him.  so when we got home i tried to get some video of the laugh (because i don't think that i have enough - or any - of his belly laugh) and chase.  it wasn't quite the same fun for him at home though.

thinking about manning's first signs of 'stinker-ness' at the library during our drive home reminded me of maddux between 1 and 2.  i think i posted about how he might be the undoing of me.  he was just always into something and wasn't responding to our normal discipline and it was exhausting!  and somehow i got through it and now he is generally super sweet and a pleaser.  i never thought it would end in the midst of it and i felt like this huge failure and yet i didn't notice when the change happened.  and then i realized that maddux is strong willed (i already knew this part) but i think that is why he has been the most 'obsessed' with something (orange, jake, etc.) - it is just him giving a no budge control over something.  i never thought of these long periods of favoritism as a manifestation of being strong willed before.  what do you think?


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