Sunday, May 15, 2011

house - week 3

after trying out another new church, we headed out to check the progress on the house.  the finished the foundation, leveled out the lot a little, and started putting in the floor joists.
heading up the driveway with some post-church snacks.

madelyn is standing in the 'garage' and matt is standing on the edge of the master bath.

matt, the crazy, walking the parameter of the house.

the view of the backyard.  i am standing at the back corner of the lot.


Witenkling Mommy said...

How is church hunting going? Remind me, how big is your lot?

mom2mlg said...

We like the church we are going to near the apartment (it's the same one I go to for the moms' group), but since it is 40 minutes from the house we are trying to find something over that way. We have tried three churches down there and have a few more that have been recommended. We are willing to keep making the drive for the church we are currently attending if we don't find anything we like better but would like to have a church close to where we live so that we can be more involved.

The lot is just under half an acre. We were looking at 2 acre lots but this neighborhood had amenities that we think will make the land sacrifice worth it.