Sunday, May 1, 2011

maddux on the move

yesterday, maddux decided that he need to cover more ground and came up with a method neither of the other two tried.  he lifts his whole body up and pushes backwards.  he is practically getting himself on all fours today!  i am afraid with a little more practice he is going to be moving around pretty well.  madelyn has already learned that maddux moving around means that you need to take extra care to put your toys away (he chewed on one of her alphie cards.  not really damaging it but covering it in drool.)  here is some video from last night.  this was the second time he moved under the foot rest.  it is a little slow and i couldn't get the two videos to edit together.
life just got a little more interesting...  love.


Grandma Z. said...

Let the fun begin!! He is adorable, even if he does look like Matt!!

Witenkling Mommy said...

He does look a lot like Matt, but I also think like Madelyn and I've never really thought Madelyn looks that much like Matt. He is so strong!!

mom2mlg said...

You are so right - he is crazy strong. We have to hold on to him really tight (not that we didn't before because he has always been very strong and squirmy) because he is trying to get down now. His moving around has gotten a lot better too. He still does this pushing technique but will also roll to where he wants to go. I haven't been giving him quite as much floor time as a result of the mobility.