Friday, May 6, 2011

knock, knock

we probably spend a half hour or more telling knock, knock jokes everyday.  matt and i have even started to get more off the internet for some variety.  even mason has gotten in on the act.  see if you get his punchline...  love.


Grandma Z. said...

This is absolutely hysterical and precious! I laugh so hard evertime I watch it. I can't wait to know what he is saying!!!

Anonymous said...

What a hoot! It is so much fun to see him laugh so at a joke. I wish I knew what he was saying. Madelyn must know as she is laughing too. Thanks for the post -- makes me laugh. Nana

Witenkling Mommy said...

Too cute. Madelyn's laugh cracks me up, too!

Becky said...

Knock knock jokes are very popular around here, too. Very cute.