madelyn had made me a gift at school (pictured to the right) and she hid it behind her back when i picked her up on wednesday so that i wouldn't see it. she kept it 'hidden' at the foot of her car seat for the rest of the week. when she realized that it was finally mother's day she asked permission to go and get it out of the car. she had also made a card while i was 'sleeping in'. she kept taking the card back all day to 'add some more' because she wasn't done yet. i think that the pictures are of the final version.
the family took me to friendly's for lunch so that i could get my free mother's day sundae - which was delicious. and then we drove out to the lot to see the progress on the house.
since cooking isn't matt's strong suit, i make steaks and sweet potato casserole for dinner (some of my favorites). all in all a nice day with the family. i told matt that next year he needs to make sure that he doesn't schedule a late night the saturday before mother's day so that i can get some sleep! but he can let me sleep any time - i won't say no!
i thanked them all for my day. it occurred to me that without the love and willingness of my husband, i would not be a mother at all. for that i am eternally thankful. love.

Sounds liek a nice day - a little more sleeping would have been nice, but still a lovely day.
Matt actually did feel really bad for napping instead of me and he took the kids out twice this weekend so that I could take care of some things around the apartment (wet vac and working).
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