Monday, September 10, 2012

game ready

i couldn't decide which picture i liked the best, so you get them all.  the boys are all ready to cheer on the chargers tonight.  mason asked when he could play on that team and i told him maybe when he grows up.  he seems pretty pleased with that, but i don't think matt and i are real excited for him to play football.  we actually don't even offer it as a choice when we ask him what he wants to play when he turns four.  we always offer baseball, golf, soccer or basketball. mason's answer is always "football!"  hmmm.  love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

I can't believe how big manning is getting! Love the squeeze shot at the end. Adorable. Does MAdelyn have Charger-wear as well?

Grandma Z. said...

So cute. manning's face at the end says, "Help me Mom, I've got two older brothers!".