Thursday, October 18, 2012

4-month-old manning

here are some other updates on manning.
- he has been sleeping through the night again for about a week now!  (enter cartwheels)

- he is doing really great with solids.  we are up to two meals a day of about 2-4 oz.  he has had sweet potatoes, avocado, bananas and mango in addition to oatmeal cereal. 

- the solids seem to be getting his digestive track going more frequently, but he still goes only once or twice a week.

- he is starting to roll across the room and get up on his knees.  it seems like he is really anxious to get moving.

- he doesn't spit up quite as frequently as he used to, but it has picked up with the teeth cutting (all of the other kids did the same thing when cutting teeth).

- he is the only one of our kids that has woken up happy this consistently.  it probably has something to do with the fact that he is also the only one who doesn't need to eat the second he wakes up.

- with more feeding options, i have a lot more freedom!  matt was able to put him down without a bottle when i was at mops this week and i even got to sleep in on saturday (well, until brad called to tell me about wyatt, but that was worth getting up for).

- he takes two or three naps a day.  the morning nap is the least consistent.  it can be from 20 minutes to 3 hours and being home or not does not influence this.  in the afternoon he naps from 1 to 4 or 4:30, generally, and if the morning nap was short, he will take another short nap between 5 and 6 in the swing.

- and i mentioned in another post about getting tangled in the crib bars.  he is a rolly guy.  thankfully, we haven't had a lot of the 'getting stuck' mid-roll arm flailing in the crib and rarely on the floor.

- manning is wearing a size 3 diaper and 6 and 9 month clothes (although i think we are going to be getting out the 12 month sleepers very soon).

manning is just a happy little (big) guy!  we love him so.  love.

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