Saturday, October 27, 2012


that is how i would describe last night - along with a big dose of "ewww"!  when maddux threw up at the dinner table last night, we decided that we would make him a bed on the floor of our bathroom.  the problem with a one year old (yes, technically, he is still one) vomiting is that he doesn't understand what is happening and fights putting his face near the toilet or a trash can.  we thought that having him in the bathroom would at least lessen the work involved during clean up.

i had suggested that we go ahead and set mason up in the bathroom too, but matt thought that it would just be exposing him to germs he might have been able to avoid thus far.  so we put him down in his bed.

maddux had fallen asleep on the couch after throwing up in the living room after dinner so we left him there while we got the other kids ready for bed.  he woke up crying (and looking quite pale) and i told him that he was going to sleep in our room.  there was a lot of resistance but then he went in there and fell right to sleep.

maddux woke up around 10:30 feeling quite happy and then threw up in our bedroom as he was strolling around.  while we were cleaning that up, matt found mason throwing up in his bed (i don't know if he heard him or if mason called out - i was in the laundry room).  matt gave both boys a bath (again) and i got to getting the bed cleared off and to the laundry room.

we got both boys set up on the floor in our bathroom.  mason threw up a few more times and then around 11:30 both boys were throwing up at the same time and i had to call for matt to help me because maddux was trying to run away from the bucket and had made a big mess.  once we got him cleaned up again, we just threw some clean towels down over the comforter we were using as a bed for them and put them back down.  their stomachs were so empty at this point that not much was coming out any more and we were running out of clean blankets/towels - which is saying something because we have way more than most people.

maddux finally stopped heaving around 2am and mason kept going strong until about 5am.  poor mason.  he was so tired that he didn't care about sitting up to throw up any more.  i would have to lift him up and he would ask to lay down in between heaves.  he was also begging for water but we wanted to just keep him empty until this passes.  it is so hard to explain this.  mason seemed to understand but maddux did not at all.  i see a nap for him (and - fingers crossed - me) today.

thankfully, manning slept until 7:30 so i got a couple hours of sleep.  so far everyone seems to be doing well this morning.  the boys have gotten some water and cheerios (they begged and begged for food).

at least it was short lived.

stomach bug seems to be the illness of choice around here or maybe it is just this year.  i can't remember having it since like high school and it has been twice this year already (really, really hoping not to make it three).  love.


Anonymous said...

You poor guys!! Hope adults don't get it. This looks like the best way to handle it at night - closer to you and not on carpet. Thinking of you!!! Nana

jwitenko said...

That's an understatement (rough). Again, this reminds me of the stomach bug we got over the summer. Jon had the idea to put them on our bathroom floor. At first I wasn't sure. Best decision ever, easy access to toilet, and mistakes would land on tile instead of carpet. Plus they wanted to be closer to mom and dad when they didn't feel good. Glad to hear everyone seems to be doing better. Hope the bug has moved out of your house.