Saturday, October 20, 2012

turns and teeth

manning is flipping over a lot in his crib (and, well, everywhere).  the problem with turning over so much in the crib is that he gets tangled up in the bars.  yesterday, i had to put my hand on his side until he fell asleep at nap time because he kept flipping over and getting his legs tangled up.  and he flips to his stomach almost immediately every time i put him on his back.
madelyn used to get tangled up a lot too.  just another way these two have been very similar.  i am tempted to get the bumper out (this is how we helped madelyn) but i want to discuss with his pediatrician first.

and he got his second tooth today!  they have all had a quickly following second tooth so we weren't very surprised.  love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

If you and you're ped are ok with it, younger try the breathable bumpers. We have one, started using with Knox. It's been great and I don't worry about him soshing his face against it (its mesh like with holes)

Witenkling Mommy said...

You might try. That's what I meant to say

Grandma Z. said...

Manning looks so cozy! It won't be long he'll be able to get himself out of the jam. He's getting so big!