we ate a homemade pizza dinner (my first attempt at our own crust) and salad, we lit our smiley pumpkin, hung up some "boo, boo happy halloween" signs madelyn had made on the front door and got everyone dressed to go. just like last year, it was a cold, windy night (last year there was more rain, but the rain took a break while they were out this year after raining all day). i almost got a good picture, but there were all humoring me and were really ready to get going.

madelyn came back after about 30 minutes because she was too cold. and with most of the neighbors giving out full sized candy, she felt satisfied with the amount she had gotten. maddux gave up shortly thereafter so mason and matt went to finish the neighborhood on their own.
i took a little video while we waited for mason and matt to get home.
and here is maddux. "i don't know" is one of his favorite phrases. he uses it as a joke even when he does know something. love.
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