Wednesday, October 3, 2012

tired mommy

it has been 6 days since i have had more than 3 hours of sleep at a time. most of those nights have had two or more of the boys up three or more times. needless to say, i am in rough shape.

today is also day 10 or 11 that manning has not had a bowel movement. don't get too excited because he usually only goes every seven days which is within the 'normal' range and does not seem to be bothered by it at all.

normally, (as in i did this with the other three) I would start solids after such a dramatic change in his sleep (11 hours to just 2 or 3). but since he has gone so long without a bowel movement, i thought i should discuss with the doctor before possibly making the situation worse.

short version is that he is fine (just like i thought) and we are starting solids tomorrow. it seems like he got to this milestone so quickly! fun times. i am a little worried about what this will do the morning routine, but we are diving in. love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

I can't phathom my kids going so long without pop. They are like factories - especially when nursing. Happy to hear its ok and he gets to start solids. He's a big boy. Hope you get some sleep soon. Thankfully Madelyn is sleeping through it all. Sneak a nap when the older two are at school And manning is napping if he missed sleep, too, maddux might nap with you :)

Grandma Z. said...

It's crazy that a Baby can go that long without a poop! It sure doesn't effect him and he is sure a happy little guy. Hope the food helps things. Wish I was there to help you get some rest.