Thursday, October 25, 2012

cancelled plans

today was going to be a long and full day.  dentist appointments in the morning, drop madelyn off at school, head to the zoo to meet friends for lunch and enjoy this beautiful day, home to get madelyn at the bus stop, quick dinner and walking to the high school for trunk-or-treat for the elementary schools.  i had everything made, packed and loaded so that we could get out the door with minimal stress this morning.

and then madelyn got sick.  very sick.  she came in around 11 last night to say that she threw up two times and didn't make it to the bathroom the second time and it was in her bed.  that was when i realized that she also had it all over her sleeve and in her hair.  matt went to take care of her room and i took madelyn to the shower to get cleaned up.  matt came back to report that it was every where in the bathroom too.  from what we can tell, the toilet lid was closed when she went to throw-up and she didn't notice, so it splattered all over the wall too.  i know, gross.  since everything in her bed need to be cleaned we decided that matt would clean up as best (and quietly) as he could and she would just sleep in our room.

while she was in the shower i noticed how white her face was.  she threw up a few more times and explained that she had diareah too.  i would have guessed food poisoning, but she didn't eat anything the rest of us hadn't also.  so the fear of everyone having this stomach bug flashed before my eyes.  i am so praying that this stays to just her.  i helped her wash her hair (because she didn't want the vomit on her hands - she would rather just leave it in her hair - again, gross.)

we got her settled into a makeshift bed in the doorway of the bathroom so that she would have quick access, but gave her a trash can right next to her too.  and then we went to sleep.

i can't even begin to guess how many times she threw-up last night.  correction: how many times she dry heaved because there was absolutely nothing left in her body.  it was at least 10, but i stopped fully waking up for the last several.  the funniest part?  matt woke up and asked if she threw up any more!  i wish i could sleep that heavy!  but then our kids would be in trouble.  and i handle tiredness much better than he does.

so this morning i cancelled her dentist appointment (matt stayed home from work so that i could still take the boys - we felt bad canceling three appointments), called the school to let them know that she wouldn't be in at all (i had already sent a note about being late due to the dentist appointment), texted both friends we were meeting at the zoo and emailed the office to let them know that i would be able to work today after all.

oh well.  there will be other nice days and she already seems to be doing much better.  last night she told me that she didn't know if she would feel like going to school in the morning (i explained that school was not an option after throwing up multiple times) but this morning she said that she was feeling great.  she still hasn't kept anything down, but at least her color is returning.

please, God, please let her be the only one.  love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

Oh this scenario is all too familiar. Does Madelyn freak out when she vomits? Lorelai does. Kinley is a cool cucumber. So funny. We had this scenario play out once over the summer (with all five of us) and once recently with only 2 out of 5. I'll pray its isolated to Madelyn.

Anonymous said...

So sorry! I too will pray that she is the only one. Nana