Thursday, October 4, 2012

first meal

today we started solids and hopefully get manning back to sleeping through the night... at least i am used to not sleeping again now so i am not as zombie-like during the day anymore.

we had a fairly crazy morning, so he didn't get to eat before the school run so i quickly tried to feed him before meeting up for my weekly walk to starbucks (2 miles there and 2 miles back) while mason is at school. 
he had a very strong reaction to his first bite!  that was when i realized that i missed getting it with the camera!  so i hurriedly got the camera and caught the second bite.  it wasn't the most stress-free, relaxed way to start solids, because i was trying to do it fast, but he really took to his oatmeal cereal.  it seems like he did better than any of the other three.  he kept a lot of it in and seemed pleased with the whole experience.

happy, messy boy
depending how he does, the plan is to get him to sweet potatoes and two meals within two weeks.  he really needs the calories.  and i really need some sleep! love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

For my first meal of the day, I would like one serving of Manning. He is just too stinkin' cute and I want to eat him up.

Grandma Z. said...

Sorry, Kelly stole my words!!!