Wednesday, October 3, 2012


kindergarten sure is an exciting place. at least at recess. madelyn comes home with all sorts of stories about who loves who, who was kissing, who wouldn't be her best friend, who wanted to punch her, etc. it sounds like she handles all of the situations well - she won't let the boy who is her "boyfriend" kiss her and she decided that she needs to tell him that she can't be his "girlfriend" because her daddy says so. she did say that she is still going to be friends with him though and we said that was fine.

we had our parent/teacher conference and basically learned that madelyn has all of the skills to be in kindergarten. apparently she needs to work on coloring in the lines and starting her tasks immediately so that she can finish on time. the teacher believes (as do we) that the coloring is more about her running out of time or just getting tired of doing it. madelyn has never been a big colorer. she would rather draw her own pictures or make crafts. i have been trying to encourage her to color carefully in the lines though.

the school does a color coded behavior system. everyone starts the day on green ("ready to learn") and can go up (blue, purple, pink) or down (yellow, orange, red). they get so many stickers for the top four colors and when they get to 20 stickers they get to pick a prize out of the "treasure box". today was madelyn's 20th sticker and she came home with the rainbow, glitter baton above (she is eating snack in the picture). she largely gets blues and has had one yellow. the yellow was for talking to a boy in class (the boy who said he was going to punch her for playing with his friend - her "boyfriend" - too much). she was devastated and was crying because another girl told her that we would be angry. i told her that we all make mistakes while learning the rules and would only be upset if it happened again. that made her feel better.

madelyn's favorite subjects are math, art and recess (in that order). she also has spanish which she seems to enjoy and learns a lot. all and all she loves school! and we have been happy with everything too. love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

Sounds about right. Lorelai has a little crush, but she doesn't realize that's what it is. Jon and I are fine keeping it that way, so have not shared 'his' name with the grandparents. I love your answer to her yellow. I may use that sometime. Was the other girl older?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that coloring in the lines is a big deal, or that they do much of that. As a teacher I can totally understand about a child not starting their work on time and therefore not finishing it -- saw that many times! That could be something to work on :)
Love, Nana