Wednesday, October 17, 2012

mops crafts

have i mentioned that i am the craft person this year for my mops group?  why?  because i need something else to do - of course!  really, they needed someone and i can dabble in 'craftiness' (and i know how to use the internet).  since i found several ideas in other blogs where the author is involved in mops crafts, i thought that i would post what we do each month here.  if any of you have adult craft ideas (think simple and inexpensive), please let me know!  love.
september - monogrammed totes
stenciled doily and letter with fabric paint

october - no-slip bookmarks
a length of ribbon, a hair rubber band and a button


Witenkling Mommy said...

Check you out! I love that not only did you find a MOPS group, but that you're on the Steering team doing crafts :) These are great ideas. I'm impressed your group does one each month. We do a couple each 'semester' and usually they tie into the speaker- last month we made family prayer jars. Very simple. I can share if you like.

Grandma Z. said...

You are an amazing woman! Great ideas, they came out really good. I think it's great that there are MOPS groups for Mom's to get together and get support from other Moms.