Monday, October 15, 2012

what the neighbors must think...

i just had to write this. I rarely write about the crazy days. mainly because i deal and move on. and since i don't take pictures (generally) i don't even think of them when i do finally sit down to write. so here i am sitting in the middle of the day.

to leave the house when it was time to get mason from school i had to carry a screaming, kicking, crying, diaper only maddux to the car over my shoulder. did i mention that the van was in the driveway so that everyone could see and hear very well? or that it was 55 degrees? yep, my screaming child was only wearing a diaper on a cool and cloudy day. how did we get here?

maddux woke up fairly early. he had that tried look to him that can make for a dicey day to begin with. i went to change his diaper and he said that he wanted to wear underwear. i was actually considering trying to potty train again this week so why not? the diaper i took off had some poop in it so when i saw some brown on his earlobe i figured that is what it was - now how it might have gotten there was a mystery to me.

nope. not poop. blood. and behind his ear there was a thick, dried line of blood that kept going through his hair to a large matted spot on the other side of his head! it was almost time to leave to take the kids to school and it appeared that it was all dry, so i stripped him down and put him in the tub so i could wash everything off and assess the wound. he had no idea how it happened. somehow between going to bed and waking up this morning, he hit his head. no telling. the good news is that it didn't appear to hurt him and it wasn't too bad once i got him cleaned up and found the actual cut. i also found blood on his comforter and the carpet. that would just have to wait.

maddux and i worked on potty training while the kids were at school. it isn't going well. he is very determined to keep it up so i will give him a few days. the tired in him was starting to take over and there was more and more crying about taking off the wet underwear and getting new ones. when we got to his last pair of clean ones, he would not take them off. even though they were wet - twice. he finally took them off himself but would not put on the pair of mason's i offered while his we're in the drier and it was time to leave. i spent 15 minutes trying to get him to choose a diaper (here or on the changing table) and clothes. and there was lots of tired crying with snot everywhere during all of this. that super tired crying where his eyes weren't even open any more and he was just screaming, "no!" over and over.

desperate, i pinned him to the ground with my leg and put his diaper on. i didn't really know what else to do. we had to leave, he wasn't going to calm down, there wasn't anyone to call and watch him and i didn't want him in the car naked.

but now i must run because maddux has pooped in his underwear. the day can only get better, right? love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

Awesome. We have days like that all the time. Fun to read about someone else's You survived- Yay!

Grandma Z. said...

Awe, such great memories!! What a fun story! HA Maddux has his own ideas but Mom always wins out! Go Mom!!!