Monday, May 6, 2013

boys' day with nana

madelyn's 'special day' with nana was on saturday when she got to see cinderella.  today was the boys' day and they wanted to go to the zoo.  again, the weather was perfect!  we could not have asked for a better stretch of weather!  

mason had school this morning so i packed up a lunch and right after picking him up we headed for the zoo.  (it is "the big game" week at mason's school and they were asked to wear sports gear all week. today he wore his aeros shirt with our last name and the number 4 on the back.  he got lots of comments and questions about it at the zoo.)

we stopped to play a round of zoo memory/matching.

roaring with the jaguar.  it is rarely this close to the glass and maddux was pretty into it.

i just liked manning's expression while we were waiting for the boys to finish up their poses.
when the boys and i were here on friday, i had told them that i can't take them on the merry-go-round by myself (and really i can't because i can't hold all three kids and our stuff - i don't even think they would let me even if i did want to try).  i did tell them that maybe we could ride when nana came with us and mason never forgot!  so nana was nice enough to ride with the bigs while manning and i watched.

manning loved every minute of watching them come around each time!  he was kicking his legs, waving, laughing and yelling for them each time he saw them.  it was pretty cute (sorry that he was also eating when i was taking pictures.).

unfortunately, we weren't able to see everything because we had to get home to get madelyn from the bus.  we were able to see the goodyear blimp flying as we were leaving and the boys were pretty excited about that - it was our first sighting of the year i think.  next time nana comes back with papa this summer we will get to show them the new bear exhibit and won't be in a hurry to get back for madelyn.  love.

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