Wednesday, May 15, 2013

having fun standing in the kitchen

manning has discovered that there is lots to do when you can stand up in the kitchen and he is more than willing to try it all.  he can now reach the top of the dining table, open the trash/recycling drawers and pull things out of the cans (yes, this one should be lots of fun), reach inside the refrigerator when it is open, pull spices and oils out of the bottom spice racks and, of course, empty any of the bottom cabinets or drawers.

he is really enjoying (and taking advantage of) his new found mobility!  he might be our fourth, but we didn't really have to childproof this house because maddux was already walking when we moved in and learned pretty quickly what he should and shouldn't open in the kitchen.
i have a feeling that this is going to be a common meeting place for years to come.

manning is keeping me very busy!  and i love it.  love.

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