Tuesday, May 7, 2013

tuesday tip - keep it simple

crafts do not have to be organized, planned or 'fancy' to keep your kids' interest.  yesterday i was preparing for my mops steering team meeting where i have to bring a sample of the craft.  it is our last meeting of the year so i am doing phone number bracelets for their kids (for safety and memorization) and using up some left over felt for little felt boards to keep kids busy in the car or anywhere they have to sit quietly.  madelyn liked it so much she was drawing pictures of what she could do with the shapes of felt i had cut for my sample.  we had our own personal stash of felt so i told her i would make her one of her own.  of course, all three bigs needed one!  they called out basic shapes and colors and i cut them what they wanted.  they played with their felt shapes for an hour!  so simple and so cheap.

some other non-crafty crafts they like are coloring on newspaper (they circle letters, color them in, draw on the ads, they love it) and paper, glue stick and scissors.  it doesn't look like fun to me, but they just cut scraps of paper and glue them together.  sometimes they are making something and sometimes (most times) they are just making a glued together pile of cut paper.

it seems like i always try to make it fancier than they really need.

what is your go-to non-crafty craft?


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