we all needed this. and it was a wonderful idea! the boys were thrilled and the fresh air did us all a lot of good. we even ran into a few friends (we were not the only ones to have the same idea).
sorry that there are so many pictures (and a lot of the same poses/scenes) but they were just so cute and happy that i couldn't resist.
maddux was almost big enough to flap the wings...
my very handsome lunch dates. :)
i wouldn't let them ride the merry-go-round but they were happy to pose on the stationary, decorative lion.
manning was pretty happy after lunch and was apparently still hungry...
we all found the splash from the fountains to be a refreshing break from the 'heat'. manning thought it was pretty ticklish on his toes and keep laughing and reaching for it.
we had tried to buy some popcorn at lunch time but the line was very long. mason wouldn't let it go and insisted that we try again on our way out. the line was just as long but moving much more quickly so we waited. the boys all enjoyed the popcorn and i think they enjoyed the break from the sun in the cafe too. we were taking some silly close-up pictures to pass the time. mason was trying to make 'kissy' faces but kept laughing.
on the way out mason took a dollar bill that an older man gave him at bjs this morning and threw it into the fountain out front! i didn't believe him at first. he had asked for a penny and i asked him if he brought any. and then he told me that he put his dollar in instead! i tried to find it (more so that it wouldn't clog the pump), but it was gone. oh well.
i love a nice day! all three boys conked out on the ride home. it was all worth it for the quiet 30 minutes i had on the drive home. that is the longest period of quiet i have had in weeks. it was heaven! love.
Ah, three sleeping boys- fantastic. I think you made a good choice - everyone seemed to be enjoying the fresh air. Pink cheeks and all.
Glad you got out on a beautiful day. AND glad they are feeling better and it looks like you all enjoyed the "summer" air. Will be close to a freeze in KS tonight. BUT was summer today?????
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